Egg Day 2004
Winlock, Washington
The 68th Annual Egg Day festivities started out the evening before, with the crowning of the Egg Day Queen - it was between two candidates, Amanda Craft and Amy Cobbs. Amy's answers to the judge's questions (a couple of which brought the whole room to emotion-choked tears) brought her the Egg Princess bouquet, while the crown went to Amanda, a fourth-generation Winlockian.
Egg events started immediately with a three day carnival at the Elementary school, breakfasts at community centers before the Egg Day Parade on Saturday, Classic cars and drag races, and the first annual Eggapaloosa concert featuring local punk, indie, rock, and metal bands.
Mobile Museum wins Best in Class!
Extra Added Bonus events for the weekend included all-you-can-eat Egg Salad sandwiches after the parade, a film crew doing a documentary on World's Largest, and the Traveling Roadside Attraction got a trophy with a chicken on it for being Best in it's Class!
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